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Festival of the Cranes

The Festival of the Cranes is a beautiful event during the fall season in which cranes migrate south for the winter. Every year, the cranes travel through the Bosque Del Apache Wildlife Refuge south of Socorro, NM. The Bosque is about 1 hour and 30 minutes away from Albuquerque.

Bosque Del ApacheBirdwatchers and professional photographers from around the world gather in Socorro for the annual event. These cranes are extremely beautiful.

Visitors must wake up very early and brave the cold autumn mornings to be able to see the magnificent flocks of birds on their journey south to Latin America and South America. These birds will fly nearly 7000 miles during the changing seasons.

During the spring, we see the same birds stop at the Bosque to rest, recover, and make their travel north to Canada for the summer.

Make sure that you bring warm clothing due to the weather. If you are a professional photographer, don't leave home without your telephoto lenses!

For more information about the Festival of the cranes, please visit Friends of the Bosque. Please contact us if you are interested in scheduling a tour to see the cranes.